Thursday, February 11, 2016

Website and Album Deadline

For those curious about the time frame for the website, I set March 19th as a tentative deadline for it to be up and running. I've already designed the background, fonts, webpage titles and have added a lot of the text and some of the pictures that will be there, although I haven't published these updates so you won't see it if you visit the web address (you'll just see an "under construction" notice and a link to one of the news blogs on the Arctic Melodies website).

Between now and March 19th I'm hoping to get the sound files (mp3's) on the "Samples" tab (much like the one that's on my Arctic Melodies site) as well as the shopping cart. I'm also considering changing the design on the CD cover for Heart of Storms. The newsletter will also be available for people wanting to sign up for it. Keep in mind that the snapshot below is still just ONE of the ideas for how it MAY look, and is just a bare-bones draft of one of the pages, with features I plan to provide which are still currently missing.

I decided to also make March 19th the deadline for the re-recording of the Heart of Storms tracks. I got about 6 or 7 hours into re-doing one of these recordings, which was "Flight Over Askja's Fire," and a small glitch in my recording system started a chain of events (along with "human error") that actually caused all of the recording files to be inaccessible. This means that I have to start over with that entire song. This was extremely discouraging and obviously very frustrating, but luckily I know how to make back-up files to avoid having this happen again. It was after this incident that I decided, for some reason, to set this deadline. If I need more time that would require an extension on this deadline (which is always possible) I will announce it in another blog post.

Once the re-recording of the album is finished, I plan to immediately complete and update my account on CD Baby to have the album distributed on the popular music purchasing sites (iTunes and Amazon). The 15th of March is actually my own personal deadline for having the songs done, but I'm giving myself until the 19th to make it available to the public, which requires a bunch of computer-whizzy stuff that I have to do, including making single downloads.

That's where that is for now, and fortunately I will have some time away from my day job(s) (Monday is a holiday) to take advantage of this. Yes, it means I'll be busy, and no it doesn't mean I can't do lunch!

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